Now in my 50’s, I still succumb to back-to-school excitement every year. Oh, I love the school supply sales, the buying of new clothes, the desperate attempts to instill a schedule in my life again after a summer of sleeping in and staying up late. Most of my friends are past this stage in their lives. In fact, my friends hardly notice when school dismisses in June and restarts again in August/September. At my age I still get excited because I am a teacher, and I go back to school every year! I tell my high school students that they are lucky because they get to leave high school after four years. I tell them jokingly that I have a life sentence and they groan with sympathy. Anyone that knows me knows that it is no secret that I love my ‘life sentence’ and I love going back to school. Remember that feeling of anticipation and excitement just before school started? I get that feeling every year and I still look forward to it!
My first memories of going to school began when as a 6-year-old I started Grade 1 in Marengo. There was no kindergarten in my town in those days so straight into first grade we all went. A photo from the first day shows me spotlessly attired in a new light pink dress with a black string tie at the neck, and carrying my brand-new Flintstones lunch-kit. I am not sure why I had a Flintstone’s lunch-kit because we did not have a television in our house until I was ten years old. I never saw the Flintstone’s animated television show! Maybe I just liked the cool cartoon characters on the bright plastic shell.
On my very first day my Mom and siblings took me to my Grandma Mayme’s house just up the road to catch the little yellow school bus. The bus driver was an old family friend and he had driven my Dad and his siblings to school. My Grandma wanted me to catch the bus exactly where my Dad had caught it the first time, I guess, and since my Mom almost always honored my Grandma’s wishes, away we went. There is a photo of me in Grandma’s house, simply beaming as I stand beside Bill, the bus driver.
On my very first day my Mom and siblings took me to my Grandma Mayme’s house just up the road to catch the little yellow school bus. The bus driver was an old family friend and he had driven my Dad and his siblings to school. My Grandma wanted me to catch the bus exactly where my Dad had caught it the first time, I guess, and since my Mom almost always honored my Grandma’s wishes, away we went. There is a photo of me in Grandma’s house, simply beaming as I stand beside Bill, the bus driver.
Bus driver Bill with me, Mom, my sister, brothers and our dog, Husky |
Every year the excitement built up in me over the weeks leading to school starting. I could hardly sleep the last night or two before school began because of my anticipation. I also had a generous dose of anxiety that came to school with me every fall when I returned to Westcliffe Composite School. As the oldest of four children, I had to do and experience everything first. That included school. I can remember wondering if anyone would play with me and if the teacher would like me and if I could wait until recess to go to the bathroom.
I remember the lunches Mom packed. In those days, there was no plastic wrap so my sandwich was always wrapped ever so neatly in waxed paper. Even as an adult I was never able to make waxed paper behave enough to contain a sandwich and keep it fresh for hours. Lunches were always the same: a sandwich (usually bologna but sometimes peanut butter), a cookie or two and a fruit. I bet my Mom would argue that there was a lot more variety in the lunch kit, but my memory is of that very same lunch for eleven years. Recess and lunch time were the highlights of the school day. Our old 2-room brick school was surrounded by trees, and we had big swings and there was always one teacher out on the playground with us. We formed forever friendships and broke them the next day; we created little cliques and rotated in and out of those. To be out of a clique was agony, your best friends from the day before would not even look at you. That seemed to be a very gender-specific thing. I never saw boys doing that.
Soon there were four of us waiting for the bus every morning at our farm gate. One year after I began school, my sister started grade 1. Right after her my two brothers started one after the other. The school bus now carried so many students that the little bus was replaced with a big long yellow bus. The bus driver remained the same. Bill drove my Dad all his years of school in Marengo, and he drove me and my siblings for all our years. He retired in 1980 after 39 years on the job. Bill, or Bid, as the older boys called him, was always the same. He seemed to really like all of us kids on the bus. If we kids were late to the gate in the morning and he had to wait for us, he would send one of the big high school kids to the house to see what was taking so long. If some little kid got sick and puked on the bus, he never complained and the bus was clean again the next day. He always had jokes for us, and sometimes in the afternoon when the bus was nearly empty, he sang to those of us still riding. Mostly he sang, “KKKKKKKKaty, beautiful Katy…” an old World War I song with a lot of stuttering in it. We laughed at the song and we begged for more. He was such a solid part of our day, happy, singing, and glad to see us. Oh when he got stuck in the snow, he would get mad and stomp around the stuck bus (probably) swearing under his breath. When some of the big boys sassed him he would get red-faced and kick the big boys off to walk the last mile to town. He was not able to hold on to his anger for very long and he returned to his grinning laughing self quickly. Sometimes at the end of a long day, I would start a conversation with him by mistakenly addressing him, “Hey Dad…” Then I would flush and bluster and start over. I don’t think he minded that I forgot and called him Dad a few times. I know that I thought of Bill, our bus driver, as a family member and I surely loved him.
Westcliffe Composite School circa 1971 |
Besides the students at the school, one other group anxiously awaited the arrival of the new teachers. Most of the new teachers seemed to be women and the young single farmers in the surrounding area were very curious as to each new crop of available women. Many of these female teachers never left the community of Marengo as they were snatched up and then matched up in Holy Matrimony by the local boys. These women from different backgrounds added another diverse layer to the community. Those that did not get married after the first year or two usually left to find employment in a larger town or city. With one or two years of experience recorded in their resumes, they had more selection in their next job. And a new selection of young men to choose from!
Classes were huge, up to 34 or 35 in a blended-grade room and the teachers were stretched to their limits in terms of keeping order and teaching at the same time. I remember being in a blended-grade room for Grade 3 and 4. My favorite subjects were English and Social Studies. I despised math even though my mother was brilliant at math (she scored 96% in her Grade 12 Algebra provincial exam)and she offered countless times to help me. I liked to write, to read and to day-dream; a lot of the time I was not very challenged in the blended-grade classroom.
Another thing I remember (even though I don't want to) is the level of teasing and bullying. Much as I hate to admit it, I remember certain students being picked on for their physical appearance, their ability in school, their lunches or their wardrobe. Often people talk about the 'good old days' out in the country, but bullying and harassment occurred in my quaint elementary school located in a rural community probably as often as it occurred in any poverty-stricken inner-city school. We had students who would surely be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum today, students that came from dysfunctional families, and students that certainly had learning disabilities but had no option but to struggle along with the other students and be called "Stupid" or "Retard". We gleefully picked on these students often and usually without mercy. If a teacher caught us they usually told us to stop, but there were no harsher penalties. I guess the teachers back then believed the axiom of the times that said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Or they believed that such 'teasing' would toughen up the student or cause them to conform. Unable to conform to what society wanted because of factors outside their control, these students were often sad or angry or both. As a teacher myself, I like to think that we teachers are more aware of the students being bullied and we know the consequences of being bullied are severe. Now, all teachers in California receive frequent training and reminders that bullying is NOT tolerated. For these picked-on students, at least the older ones that had given up on things ever changing for them, the back-to-school season must have been dreaded, not joyfully anticipated.
After high school, and a month after I turned 17, I moved to the big city of Saskatoon and attended university. I wanted to be a nurse but my temporary acceptance into the nursing program in Alberta was retracted when I scored a D- on the provincial Algebra exam. I had already received the immunizations that were necessary for a student nurse, and I had been fitted for uniforms. Only ten students were accepted from my province for this training program, and number eleven on the list must have been made very happy in August! My mom refused to let me work for a year and then re-apply as she said I was too young to do anything but go to school. Off to the University of Saskatchewan I went. I liked the back-to-school preparations for that school year: a new basement suite, pots and pans, dishes and towels, bus passes, a new wardrobe as uniforms were not happening for me, and the freedom that going to school 160 miles from home brought. I liked the lectures and the writing assignments. I liked the anonymity of the 300 plus students in one lecture hall. I liked the freedom a little too much. After one and one half years, I quit university at Christmas. I worked as a waitress, went back to school for ten months to become a hairdresser and then worked at hairdressing, mothering, milking and other jobs for the next 15 years.
I loved getting my children ready in the back-to-school season. I remembered my own feelings of excitement and anticipation and projected those feelings onto my five kids as they went off to pursue their elementary, high school and then university educations. I enjoyed labeling all those pencils and crayons, buying the new outfits (even at my lowest financial point, a new outfit for each child was non-negotiable), I liked lining up the five lunch kits in the morning (at least for the first day or week), and I loved waiting and watching for the bus to return my kids home so they could tell me about their school day. We played spelling and math games at the supper table, we challenged each other with trivia facts, and we all read books, some of us more than others. We did not harp on grades or dictate homework completion. Maybe we should have, but even then I did not consider grades or busy-work homework to be accurate indicators of how much they had learned.
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The "Bowl" at the University of Saskatchewan |
When I was forty years old, I got the urge to go back to school myself. To return to the university to finish the degree that I had started as a 17-year-old! The load of anxiety I carried that first day easily matched my anxiety as a 6-year-old going off to Grade1. I was very afraid that I did not have the intelligence, skills or persistence to be successful at university. I was cowed by the thought of attending classes with students the same age as my oldest kids. On my first day back-to-school in twenty years, my oldest child (a student at that university) led me to the right classrooms, met me for lunch and guided me through the maze of the university bookstore. When I profusely thanked her later that night, she replied, "You don't have to thank me, Mom, you took me to school on my first day of school". She was five years old when I took her, I was forty when she took me. Oh my.
I found that I still loved the back-to-school hubbub as an adult.
A few years later I became a high school teacher. I am credentialed as an Education Specialist, and as an English teacher: and I teach students with learning disabilities. I am privileged to work with the very type of students that used to be picked on in my childhood school experiences. Students that are diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum receive social skills training and coaching, and hopefully less teasing than in the past. In the past, we all knew students like this, and we picked on them for their weirdness and inability to defend themselves. Today students with dyslexia or other processing disorders are informed by me and my colleagues (over and over sometimes as they don't believe us) that they have average intelligence ~ they are NOT stupid or retarded. When they can't read or write like their classmates can, they begin to doubt their intelligence. There are always other students that snicker or tease the ones that have difficulty in class. The daily challenges of meeting the special needs of this specific group of students may be exactly why I enjoy teaching.
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One view of my classroom |
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Another view of my classroom. |
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My classroom door. |
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Dad, I won't lose it!! |